"Writers should not make TO DO lists"
what? Gasp! This can’t be right. I almost close the book that suggests this,
but I have agreed with much of what the author has said to this point. I’ll keep reading.
“You can all but feel a whip being
cracked at your rear, can’t you? (When
faced with a To Do list) Instead, set yourself up with daily
Hmmm, I think. Are they not the same thing? But as I read the different examples of a TO
DO list and a list of intentions I begin to understand. The difference lies in the intensity and
achievability. And there is a good point
being made about the creative process. Creativity
does poorly in response to the pressure of hard and fast goals. The intention
list serves as a friendly nudge in the right direction.
So, I am happy I can still use lists
but I will switch to a kinder and gentler list of intentions to help me fill the empty page.