Everything is finished. The query letter has been sent. The wait begins now. This collaboration may or may not be accepted at the market, but it is already a success. Together with Linda White and Cheryl Whitten (visit their websites - see side bar) I have been part of a exciting journey to produce the article and the query letter. Pretty cool. And very satisfying as well. Good job, all of us.
The original post -
I am so thankful that I have fellow writers to help me. I'm trying to draft a query letter and I am finding it very difficult. So the e-mails go back and forth and slowly it is coming together. It's my first query and I want to be as professional as possible. It is a baby step towards a more intimidating goal, and with 'group' support I hope to take it successfully. Thank you Wainwright Writers Group members Cheryl and Linda.
The writer has to be a marketer too.