Monday, April 27, 2015


I’ve been guilty of drifting away from the things that work for me.  Why this happens is a mystery.  Well, I’m back using the ‘cure’ that is known as the Action Plan Book which is a blank paged journal.  More than a list, although lists are involved, the action plan adds in the important element of time.  I have a five day plan underway.  April 25-April 30.  I have three goals, well stated and defined; two writing goals and one health-related goal.  And I will review each day as to my success.  I want 100% achievement but realistically I will be more than happy with any improvement over my current levels.  The journal will mark my progress. 

There are days when I don’t know whether writing is the problem or the solution, the condition that I struggle with or a choice that brings me great joy.  I guess it can be all of these, but eventually the blocked writer disease must be managed.  There’s no bottle of pills but there are starting points.  One point is to forget about results, but to focus on the process. 
Every skill requires some review, some additional training and the renewed enthusiasm to attend to the work of it.  I’m in retrain mode, and I’m back using my best tools.