Sunday, May 1, 2016

How Blogging is Good for Authors

Blogging is writing.   It is not the-big-important writing, not the-stall-you-in-your-tracks writing, nor is it unimportant.  I have learnt that to maintain a blog, I have to pay attention to words and ideas and then to act.  Whatever blogging goals that I have, private and announced, the call of the blog needs to be answered.  I find that when the key board has been silent for too long, a blog post is a simple way to start writing again.  Writing something has the magic to call more projects to mind.  And fingers to keyboard, the process begins. 

Blogging leads to writing.  There’s a sort of sweep the floor, put away the dishes clearing that happens with blogging.  One little random idea is executed with each blog.  This frees the mind to find another random idea, or to circle back to the larger project that waits. 

Sharp-tailed Grouse
Blogging is more than writing practice.  Blogging is a commitment to that writing practice.  There is a point when something that you choose to do, becomes more than a choice.  It has become a habit.  I am not the only person who has found that blogging is one step on the road to being a dedicated writer. 

Blogging is important to my writing.  I’ve circled this lesson before, but if I set blogging aside, for whatever reason, then it eventually stalls my word flow.  It might not be logical, but the blog has to be on list of tasks.  It is good for the writer.