As many of my stories do, Flashover started as an experiment. The news of the hour was the fire that ravished an Alberta community, and I simply knew there would be a thousand stories that would come from the event. I hope that there is a non-fiction writer that will gather them but it wasn't going to be me.
However the news kept coming in and I realized that it was research that was being given to me on a platter. So I set the story within the town that was about to go through a similar catasrophe. Many details of the fire came directly from reporters on the scene. I didn't research, I read.
The characters and their conflict evolved to the current form and Flashover became the title after I realized that lives could switch and jump as quickly as fires.
Flashover can be found at
Links to Published Short Stories
- Otherwise Engaged
- The Hoarder Gene
- Laundry Day
- Paper Promises
- Not So Alone, Not So Crazy & Genealogy Peace
- Day Zero
- Bardo the Between
- 'Hyde & Sons' at Spadina Literary Review
- 'Memories by Design' at Black Dog Review
- 'Black Mirrors' at The Coachella Review (Blog)
- 'Afterimage' at Danforth Review
- 'The Tag' at Human Touch Journal Page 92
- 'Winter Count' at South 85 Journal
- 'On Behalf of Women' at Necessary Fiction
- 'The Audit' at Summerset Review
- 'The Woman's Battalion of Death' at Danforth Review
- 'Second Job' at Prairie Journal
- 'Flashover' at Necessary Fiction
- 'Gladiolas' at The Danforth Review
- 'Nothing in the Cupboard' at SNReview
- 'It's Not Natural' at SNReview
- 'On the Verge' at Pif Magazine
- 'Shaving Fate' at The Squawk Back
- 'Trumps A Spade' at Fiction 365
- Liz's Lymphedema Logbook